Bordertown Redesign

Located in Dinkytown, Bordertown Coffee occupies a 1929 frat house and has been a cornerstone of the community since 2004. Known for ethically sourced premium coffee beans, they offer a diverse menu featuring classic espresso, specialty drinks, teas, fresh juices, pastries, and lunch options. Our group (Kaci Kopf, Martha Vaughan, Emily Ulfig) has redesigned their existing website to better reflect the brand.


Before any redesign, we began the research process, which included user interviews along with market and brand research. From here, we were able to begin our ideation process of site mapping and wireframes.

Word map from user interview responses

Initial Wireframes




We then moved onto concept testing where we gained user feedback for our wireframes and first redesign. Feedback on components such as our color palette and icons provided us insight that led to our finalized version.

Stylized icons to fit brand

Added header

Indented text ————————

Stylized bean icons


Refined typography, icons, and color palette

No visual or textual hierarchy in hero image

No view menu button

Too much small text in one place

No hierarchy or visual cohesion

Attention-grabbing hero image & text

Featured drinks are displayed in a simple and effective way

Taking a break from images with stylized icons that highlight positive aspects of the company

Dynamic photo section that takes the user right to social media, since that’s where they’ll probably go to find more photos


Switched to off-white background

Options in header too wordy and not organized well

Missing photo

Static gallery

No footer

Simple and useful navigation

View menu and order now buttons

Sections are broken up using images with not too much text

Reviews section with highlighted words to help user skim through

Clean and organized footer with useful information

  • Established a hierarchy that guides user seamlessly through the website

  • Comfortable amount of information for user to feel satisfied

  • Showcased more images of food and atmosphere

  • Displayed featured reviews to help the customer feel more educated

  • Organized navigation tabs so the user can easily find what they’re looking for

  • Branding and imagery is visually pleasing and matches the shop’s warm and cozy vibe

Reorganized site map


Ideating and organizing key insights


7 Wonders Chocolates